I love, love paper piecing and one really exciting thing that has happened is that I was asked to be on the Treasure Box Design team and the Digi Box Design team!!! I absolutely ADORE Dina's designs and have had so much fun playing with them! So..... I will start today with a lot of things I created using their files! The Digi Box Designs are digi stamps, I love coloring, too, so this has been double the fun! Here are some of the Digi Box Designs I worked with:
These were all colored using my prismacolor pencils and gamsol. They are just so cute! I have lots more to show, but thought I'd start here!!!! All these designs can be found at:
What I love about working with digital stamps is that you can size them however large or small you'd like, this one I made really large to use as a wall hanging:
Have a great day and I'll be back to show you some of the Treasure Box Designs paper piecings!