Wednesday, May 25, 2016

It's Been a Lonngggg Time....

Hello! Happy May! It's been such a long time since I've even thought about my little blog! So sad how life gets in the way of what you love to do! And the sad part is, it is just plain old life, nothing very exciting!!!! But I'm really going to try to make the effort to pay attention and keep up with this little place on the web!!!!
I love, love paper piecing and one really exciting thing that has happened is that I was asked to be on the Treasure Box Design team and the Digi Box Design team!!! I absolutely ADORE Dina's designs and have had so much fun playing with them! So..... I will start today with a lot of things I created using their files! The Digi Box Designs are digi stamps, I love coloring, too, so this has been double the fun! Here are some of the Digi Box Designs I worked with:

These were all colored using my prismacolor pencils and gamsol. They are just so cute! I have lots more to show, but thought I'd start here!!!! All these designs can be found at:
What I love about working with digital stamps is that you can size them however large or small you'd like, this one I made really large to use as a wall hanging:

Have a great day and I'll be back to show you some of the Treasure Box Designs paper piecings!